Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Do I Need a Long Workout to Burn Fat?

This is what my dad said to me the other night that got me wondering. He knows that my Turbo Fire 30 was only well, 30 minutes long. I need to do a lil investigative research because I'm almost 99% sure he's old school and wrong about this.

This morning was HIIT 15. I was silly enough to take delight in the fact that it was only 15 minutes, but it was HARD 15 minutes of work out!! I couldn't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I managed to do 80% of the move, and pushed myself about 90%. I didn't do 100% because I was frustrated at not knowing all the moves. Still, I'm sweating buckets over here!

Tomorrow is a day off! YES!

Monday, June 27, 2011

No Excuses!!!

Such a cliche title, but seriously, that was me this morning.

After getting off work at 7:30am, I came home and snuggled up in bed. Got woken up half an hr later by hubby with a "crisis". Checked my email and realized that I got my ATT! So now the NClex is more realistic than ever! I've got a month left to study! That was enough for me to ditch the idea of sleep and jump on kaplan to review pharm.

Finished a chapter on pharm, all things considered I was quite proud. Continuing the high I decided to put on Turbo Fire 30 and do my work out. I don't think I worked as hard as I did the last two days, may be due to lack of sleep and may be due to muscle fatigue, but I definitely did my best.

So yes, no excuses, not enough lack of sleep! Now it's time to take mom shopping. I'm going to hit up GNC and get their store brand milk shake replacement. Hopefully this will keep my eating under control.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I Feel Like An Athlete

I am sore all over. I sweated bullets. I have trouble waling. And yes, I feel fantastic!!

Turbo Fire is going great so far. To be fair, it does go against my internal love for lounging around. I remember watching some videos on turbofire before getting the DVD, and one woman said she was having so much fun that she didn't even pay attention to the clock during the work out.

Now........ I'm not going that far. The DVD work out had a time bar at the bottom right which counts down the minutes. I was grateful for that. The work out was hard but to give credit, it is way more fun than Jillian Michael's shred which is very dull. I struggled a bit at the end with the choreography and just being so completely wiped out. I hope that as I continue I will be able to do better, but all in all, I'm pretty satisfied with myself. :D

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Surprising Taste of Luxury

If everyday was like yesterday, you won't find me complaining for a long time. :D

Turbo Fire arrived. The box contained a book of DVDs, weight bands, work out calendar, and nutritional calendar. Workout calendar officially starts on Monday, but I think I'll throw in the first DVD this morning and give it a go.

Meanwhile my eating has been awful. Can't turn down my mom's giant fried dumplings. Yes, they are as unhealthy as they sound, although there is veggie in the filling, perhaps that could soften the blow a bit.

As if receiving Turbo Fire wasn't good enough. Hubby took me out to dinner for our anniversary and surprised me with this little darling:

This little baby is now sitting comfortably inside my speedy 35. A lil family of luxury. Mister did well. :D

Friday, June 24, 2011

If I Could Bank Up On Sleep...

Then that is exactly what I accomplished yesterday. After dropping off baby girl at school. I went home and studied, and by studied I mean dozed off. Last couple of days of working has gotten me so tired and my sleep schedule all kinds of wacko.

Today I'm up early and in a good mood. Room half way cleaned. Studying is to continue. Turbo Fire is also supposed to arrive today yay! My eating yesterday was quite shameful. I had that "last meal" mentality. Today I'm enjoying some chicken salad mixed with dry fruits and nuts. It's not completely low carb, but I feel that I'm easing myself in.

My ultimate goal is to look like this:

Wouldn't it be nice!!?!?!?

I realized that I'm back into a size 14 again. Hcg got me down to a 12, but I was completely miserable while doing it. I was hungry and I missed food. Shortly after stopping Hcg I put the weight back on. So my short term goal is to get down to a size 12. One day at a time. I blame a lot of emotional eating on my life being a bit unstable, with school and finding a job. But now that things are settled I hope to get some stablity and focus on my health better.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Come On Turbo Fire!!

If FedEx is accurate, I should be getting my Turbo Fire tomorrow yay!  The last time I was this excited about home workout video was Callanetics, a good 2 years ago.  I got tired of faithfully doing it and not seeing ANY results.

So here's to hoping that Turbo Fire is going to be my ticket for a more toned body and maybe a chance for me to feel like an athlete.  I always envy the joggers I see on the road as I'm sitting in my comfy car, because they are athletes.  Perhaps it's because subconsciously I know that should there ever be a predator that preys on humans, they'be the survivors while I be the main course.  I need to cut down on zombie movies.

Meanwhile, I am going to keep studying for NClex today.  After dropping off baby daughter to school.  I'm a proud mommy today.  She's going to be switched up to a class older than her because the teacher believes she's too advanced for her class right now.  Okay so hubby reminds me that it's only a summer program and not a real school yet, but I'm already looking up Harvard tuition.  :D